OPIc 対策1|自分のことについて説明する











  • どんな仕事をしていますか?
    • I am a doctor and work for the ABC hospital for many years. Working as a doctor can be challenging, but it’s rewarding.
    • More than 100 staffs are working in my company.
  • どんな勉強をしていますか?
    • I am studying English and Spanish at the university.
    • I go to the business school to try to get MBA degree.
    • Needless to say, I am studying English very hard. I would like to go study abroad someday.
  • どんなことをするのが好きですか?
    • I like to drink beer with my wife in the weekends.
    • One of my favorite things to do is climbing the mountain with my friends.
    • I spend almost all my free time on watching TV, YouTube, and Netflix.
  • 家族について教えてください
    • I have one old sister and younger sister.
    • My father has just retired from the company and he is enjoying free time.
    • My first baby has just born in a couple of months ago. I am busy taking care of him.
  • あなたの親友について教えてください
    • I have two best friends who went to the same university as me.
    • The most memorable moment with my best friends is that we went on a trip to Vietnam.
    • We used to go for a drink before the pandemic.



  • どのような方法で職場に行きますか?
    • I take a train to go the the company.
    • From the nearest station, I take the bus to get to the company.
  • 何分かけて職場に行きますか?
    • It takes about 30 minutes to get to the company if the train transfer goes smoothly.
    • If I don’t use the bus to get to the train station, it takes about 40 minutes.
  • あなたのご近所さんはどのような方法で仕事に行きますか?
    • I don’t know, but I guess my neighbors also take a train, because we live close to the station and public transportation is the common way to go the company in my region.
  • 交通渋滞などで仕事に遅れたことがありますよね。その経験を教えてください。
    • As I said, I don’t drive, and use the trains to go to the company. Public transportation service in Japan is very good, so I have never being late for work.
    • In case the train is delayed, I usually leave home early to take a train one or two earlier.


あらかじめ Background survey で自分の趣味や関心事を選ぶ必要があります。試験では、それに関連した内容の質問が来るので、あらかじめ言いたいことを準備しておくとよいでしょう。

Background survey についてはこちらの記事に詳細を書いています。

  • 週末は何をしていますか?
    • I enjoy shopping with my friends in the weekends.
    • One of my favorite things to do in the weekends is sleeping in until 10 am.
  • あなたのお気に入りのレストランについて教えてください。
    • My favorite restaurant is Italian restaurant near the station.
    • Margherita pizza they serve is the one of the best foods that I have ever had in my life.
    • There is nothing better than drinking beer at the table outside early in the evening.
  • あなたのお気に入りのお店について教えてください。
    • I like the bookstore where I can get everything I want.
    • I like Trader Joes, because I can get fresh groceries with an affordable price.
    • My favorite place to go after work is Japanese convenience store.
  • あなたが過去に参加したスポーツイベントについて教えてください。
    • I participated in a marathon event a few years ago. My right knee was broken almost close to the finish line. I was able to finish the full marathon, but since then, I can’t run a long distance anymore.
    • I watched the baseball game with my friends. A superstar player made three home run in one game, which was so exciting.
  • あなたの海外旅行の経験を教えてください。
    • The most memorable travel is going to Italy with my wife on my honeymoon.
    • Because of the pandemic, I don’t have any chance to go abroad recently.
  • あなたの好きな音楽のジャンルを教えてください。
    • I usually listen to jazz music during drinking alcohol.
    • Spending time with my friends listening classical music drinking coffee is my favorite.
    • I sometimes want to listen to old Japanese pop music when I get tipsy.
  • あなたが過去に参加した音楽イベントについて教えてください。
    • I went to the music festival with my family last summer.
    • Before having child, my wife and I used to go to the concert hall where I enjoyed listening to classical music. I can’t live out the passing year without Beethoven’s Ninth symphony.
  • どんな書き物をしますか?
    • I am into writing some articles for my blog, which includes how to study English, how to enjoy life in foreign country.
    • I am writing a story just for fun.
  • あなたの好きな本について教えてください。
    • My favorite book is titled ‘Alchemist’ written by Paulo Coelho who is a brazil novelist. The story is about a great journey of the main character boy.
    • When I was a university student, I used to read a lot of self-improvement books.



  • 家族との食事で最も思い出深かったことを教えてください。
    • We had a birthday party for my kid when he turned 10 last week. My wife prepared beef stake, salmon salad, and carbonara. We enjoyed birthday cake with a cup of coffee after the meal.
  • ご近所さんとの付き合いで最も記憶に残っていることを教えてください。
    • My neighbor has just moved in next door last week. When we met for the first time, they gave me some snacks and said a few words in greeting.
    • When I live in the different place, I was struggling with my neighbor, who was sometimes blasting music in the midnight, which was frustrating to me. I called them to ask to stop doing it.
  • 友人との間で最も思い出に残る瞬間を教えてください。
    • When I went on abroad with my friends, they had a birthday party for me in the restaurant, which was a big surprise for me.
    • The most memorable moment with my friends is going fishing when I was a junior high school student. My friend is a good angler and he helped me to get fish.
  • 海外旅行で最も印象に残っている出来事を教えてください。
    • Traveling to Spain on my honeymoon is the most memorable one in my life. We stayed at five star hotel for a week, just for relaxing in the pool. We enjoyed authentic Spanish food at the restaurant next to the hotel. I remember everyone was kind to us even though we could not speak Spanish or English at all.








OPIc 対策2|ロールプレイを攻略する
OPIc 対策1|自分のことについて説明する

